Thursday, 11 September 2008


Last week I was seeing a really nice documentary on BBC4 about Ella fitzgerald, and they were talking about her first band ...I cant remember the name right now... but I noticed a poster of their first concert, and it was amazing!! So, I had the idea of doing this poster.
Lately I've been feeling this need of starting to experimenting with fonts, and try to understand were do they work better. I still have to practice more...but I think I'm in the right track.
By the way, this poster it's dedicated to another bar that I used to go in Lisbon. It was a nice place, with nice jazz music...and sometimes wierd things could happen...mainly in the toilets...but that's another story...hehehehe. Enjoy!

Comments on "Jazz"


Blogger Miss Lee said ... (13 September 2008 at 17:35) : 

ai ai essas saudades do bairro quando apertam... doi a valer...
olha, mas os posters tao mt giros. ja pensas-te em tentar vendê-los aos bares?? u oferecer, se a primeira hipótese não colar... acho que te safavas!!;)


Blogger urban myth said ... (13 September 2008 at 23:43) : 

olha quem é ela!!! Yah tens razao, primeiro n tinha pensado nisso, mas axo q qd voltar ai a Portugal vou fazer uma visita a estes bares com os cartazes...log se vê.


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